Kategorie:Dorset Coast

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Dorset Coast Route V3 Streckenplan

Die MSTS-Strecke Dorset Coast Route in der Version 3 von 2005 läuft von London Waterloo bis Weymouth.
Sie verläuft zwischen London Waterloo und Weymouth. Die Linie von Basingstoke nach Reading
und die Zweige nach Fawley, Lymington, Hamworhty Quay, Furzebrook und Weymouth Quay wurden auch umgesetzt.

Die Schienen sind in UK Finescale ausgelegt.

Bestellt man die CD bei UKTrainsim für 4,80 Pfund, erhält man die Version 3.4 und ca. 100 Aufgaben samt Rollmaterial dazu, außerdem schnellen Download für einen Monat.

Originaltext: This is the Dorset Coast Route V3 from London Waterloo to Weymouth in UK Finescale. The branches to Fawley, Lymington, Hamworthy Quay, Furzebrook and Weymouth Quay are also included, as well as the line from Reading to Basingstoke. The track layout is as per the current (2nd Edition September 2002) Southern Quail Plans, but the signalling and scenery are largely fictional.

Dorset Coast Route V4 (2006)
Beinhaltet die Erweiterung um die Waterloo suburban lines.
Originaltext: This is the Dorset Coast Route V4 from London Waterloo to Weymouth in UK Finescale. The branches to Fawley, Lymington, Hamworthy Quay, Furzebrook and Weymouth Quay are also included, as well as the line from Reading to Basingstoke. The Waterloo suburban lines, bounded by Clapham Junction, Reading, Aldershot, Guildford, Leatherhead and Epsom are included. The track layout is as per the current (2nd Edition September 2002) Southern Quail Plans, but the signalling and scenery are largely fictional.

Dorset Coast Route V5 (2007)
Beinhaltet die Erweiterung nach Porstmouth.
Originaltext: This is the Dorset Coast Route V5 from London Waterloo to Weymouth and Portsmouth in UK Finescale. The branches to Fawley, Lymington, Hamworthy Quay, Furzebrook and Weymouth Quay are also included, as well as the lines from Reading to Basingstoke and Southampton to Portsmouth. The entire 3rd rail Waterloo suburban network is included. The track layout is as per the current (2nd Edition September 2002) Southern Quail Plans, but the signalling and scenery are largely fictional.

Dorset Coast Route V6 (2009)
Beinhaltet die Erweiterung nach Yeovil Junction und Ludgershall.
Originaltext: This is the Dorset Coast Route (Version 6) from London Waterloo to Weymouth, Yeovil Junction and Portsmouth Harbour in UK Finescale. The lines from Basingstoke to Reading, Waterloo to Reading and the branches to Fawley, Lymington, Hamworthy Quay, Furzebrook, Ludgershall and Weymouth Quay are also included. On the Waterloo suburban network the branches to Alton, Chessington, Dorking, Hampton Court, Shepperton and Windsor are included as well as the Hounslow loop and Kingston loop.

Wen das Geläute bei jeder Passage eines Signals stört, kann in der Datei 'signal.sms' im Sound-Ordner der Route den Lautstärke-Wert reduzieren, z. B. auf 'Volume ( 0.5 )'

Tipp zu UKTrainsim: Wenn man eine Strecke für weniger als 5 Pfund kauft, wird man für einen Monat schnelle Downloads freigeschaltet. So kann man die Ergänzungen zu dieser Strecke samt zusätzlichen Aufgaben und Rollmaterial gut downloaden.

Hwagner (Diskussion), 23. Mai 2017 (CEST)

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